Basic Policy, Priority Issues, Long-Term, Medium-Term and Annual Targets

Basic Policy

Based on our mission of building a "good company" for our employees, customers, business partners, shareholders, and society, the Shimamura Group is promoting sustainable "ESG response by Shimamura" through our main businesses in order to realize a sustainable society.

Sustainability Priority Issues (Material Issues) and Long-Term Targets

In order to realize a sustainable society, the Shimamura Group positions various issues related to the environment, society, and governance at each stage of the supply chain as management issues, and takes action to resolve those issues.
Our management philosophy and mission are in line with the SDGs advocated by the United Nations, and we believe that our corporate activities and efforts to solve issues will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. We believe that nine of the 17 SDGs are particularly relevant to us. We have incorporated six of them into our sustainability priority issues.

Sustainability Priority Issues Long-Term Target(FY2/2030) Relationship with SDGs
ENVIRONMENT ■Circular Economy Promotion Reduce plastic waste
■Reduction of GHG Emissions Continuation and evolution of zero product disposal
Reduction of GHG emissions
■Sustainable Procurement Development and promotion of sustainable products
Respect for human rights in supply chains
SOCIAL ■Activities by Diverse Human
Promote diversity
■Enhancement of Roles of The
  Clothing Infrastructure
Enhancement of roles of the clothing infrastructure
(Mainly for vulnerable shoppers)
GOVERNANCE ■Evolution of Governance Promotion of debate over the growth strategies and capital policy
Continuation and evolution of risk management
Fostering of successors
Ensuring diversity and appropriate scale of the board of directors

Medium-Term Target

Medium-Term Target(FY2/2024) Medium-Term Target(FY2/2027)
Sustainability Priority Issues Initiative Items and Target Results Sustainability Priority Issues Initiative Items and Target
■Circular Economy
Complete recycling ratio of hungers 60.0% ※1 60.1% ■Circular Economy
Complete recycling ratio of hungers 75.0% ※1
Complete recycling ratio of plastics: 50.0% ※6
■Reduction of GHG
Zero product disposal  ※2 Zero Product disposal ■Reduction of GHG
Continuation of zero product waste  ※2
GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) 60% reduction (compared to FY2013)
Purchase ratio of sustainable products 20.0%※3 35.3% ■Sustainable
Purchase ratio of sustainable products 40.0% ※7
Usage ratio of sustainable auxiliary materials 100.0% ※4 100% Continuation and evolution of suppliers' CoC compliance structure
■Activities by
  Diverse Human
Ratio of female managers 20.0% ※5 17.6% ■Activities by
  Diverse Human
Ratio of female managers 23.0% ※5
Employment ratio of people with disabilities 5.0% 4.78% Employment ratio of people with disabilities 5.0%
■Enhancement of
  Roles of The
- - ■Enhancement of
  Roles of the
Sales target 130 million yen ※8
Implementation of traveling sale and acceptance of shopping tours
Expansion of online store
Number of non-implemented principles of the Corporate Governance Code Zero Zero non-implemented principles ■ Evolution of
Promotion of debate over the growth strategies and capital policy
Continuation and evolution of risk management
Fostering of successors
Ensuring diversity and appropriate scale of the board of directors
  • ※1 Plastic hangers in the Company's designated colors that come with products
  • ※2 Shimamura has currently achieved zero product disposal. We will continue these initiatives in the future.
  • ※3 Shimamura business private brand (PB) CLOSSHI
  • ※4 Shimamura business PB CLOSSHI and PBs of other businesses
  • ※5 Ratio of female managers in the senior class and above
  • ※6 Transparent plastic for product protection used at the time of delivery (made of polypropylene)
  • ※7 Private brand (PB) products across all businesses
  • ※8 Total sales from traveling sale, shopping tours and online store for the elderly in the Clothing

Annual Targets

Sustainability Priority Issues Medium-Term Target(FY2/2027) Initiative Items and Target Annual Target (FY2/2024) Initiative Items and Target
■ Circular Economy
Complete recycling ratio of hungers 75.0% 
  • ・Hanger Recycling
  • ①Development of recycling bases in Japan
  • ②Expansion of complete recycling by expanding recyclable hangers
Complete recycling ratio of plastics: 50.0%
  • ・Plastic bag Recycling
  • ①Implementation of the complete recycling of plastics to protect products
  • ②Implementation of measures to improve awareness of shopping bag recycling and to raise the collection rate
  • ・small delivery bags
  • ①Expansion in complete recycling by starting the domestic stable supply and the overseas supply of new small delivery bags
■Reduction of GHG
Continuation of zero product waste
  • ・Product Collection and Recycling
  • ①Reuse project research
  • ②recycling experiment implementation preparations
GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) 60% reduction (compared to FY2013)
  • ①Planned replacement of LEDs and air conditioners
  • ②Verification of the effects of sustainable stores
  • ③Measures against heat in transfer centers (heat-shielding coating on roofs)
  • ④Modal shift and expansion of electric trucks
■ Sustainable
Purchase ratio of sustainable products 40.0%
  • ・Expansion of sustainable products
  • ①Expansion in the ratio of purchases of sustainable products in all businesses
  • ② Development of materials for sustainable products and an expansion in product lineup
  • ・Expansion of sustainable auxiliary materials
  • ①Expansion in the rate of using JB sustainable auxiliary materials
  • ②Risk hedging and cost reduction of auxiliary material production sites
Continuation and evolution of suppliers' CoC compliance structure
  • ・Human Rights and Environmental Compliance in the Supply Chain
  • ① Improvement in the accuracy of management of CoC compliance by PB factories
  • ②Check of energy and water usage by PB factories and research of evaluation method and reduction technique
■ Activities by Diverse
  Human Resources
Ratio of female managers 23.0%
  • ・Expansion of female managers
  • ①Promotion of a curriculum to train female executives
  • ②Increase of role models and an improvement in the personnel system to lead to an increase of female managers
  • ・Promotion of work-life balance
  • ①Improvement in the efficiency of head office operations
  • ②Response to the diversification in employment patterns (review of the work system)
Employment ratio of people with disabilities 5.0%
  • ・Expand employment of persons with disabilities
  • ①Expansion in the number of employees in line with the scale of sales
  • ②Expansion in the number of certified professional life counsellor for people with disabilities
■ Enhancement of Roles
  of The Clothing
Implementation of traveling sale and acceptance of shopping tours
  • ・Implementation of traveling sale
  • ①Sophistication of product lineup
  • ② Creation of a structure for nationwide implementation
  • ・acceptance of shopping tours
  • ①Realization of delivery according to product demand by analyzing purchasing data
  • ② Creation of a structure for nationwide implementation
Expansion of online store
  • ・Expansion of online store
  • ①Expansion in the lineup of products for the elderly
  • ②Research on sales to facilities
■ Evolution of
Promotion of debate over the growth strategies and capital policy
  • ・Disclosure of the Medium-term Management Plan 2027 and improvement in feasibility
  • ・Formulation of plans to train successors
  • ・Promotion of risk management
Continuation and evolution of risk management
Fostering of successors
Ensuring diversity and appropriate scale of the board of directors

Sustainability Promotion System

Details of Sustainability Promotion System